Hi everyone,
Recently I moved from version 15.2 to 16.1, and since then I (as well as a few colleagues also on v16) have been having frequent issues and errors such as :
Sparx Systems Database API [0x00001072] SQL API Open FAILED with error: 08S01 Connection failure
Select Style, ea_guid from t_object where ea_guid IN ('{9EE7083B-6934-4c22-8958-52D2D715DFAC}','{A9343305-14ED-4c84-B6BF-ED3E6768F71D}','{0CE34EB3-33E9-4da2-90E1-1E41137834FD}','{28B3BAF8-BE89-410e-B374-D2AADA4A1BC8}','{25339896-DB43-47f6-AAC7-33FB9ED7065F}','{D28FB8AC-FE12-4a6d-907B-3882C95BCE0A}','{D440CF4F-A7DF-4f10-9361-B7948090F8F0}','{B468A837-1FF4-4cca-8040-932830740626}','{3BAEE52B-9E5E-403c-B1D0-3B4E233A3813}','{5621CF8A-BF01-4dd1-A6B7-A55ED432B95D}','{C8FFD492-1422-4503-9A63-1D5A2D806652}')
I feel like v16 is extremely sensitive to wifi/network connection fluctuations, whereas v15 was not.
Has anyone else had this and did you find a workaround ?
Sometimes it is so bad it makes EA unusable.
Closing EA and starting it again sometimes improves things, as does moving closer to the router or wifi booster box, but not always as other devices seem to have no problems with connecting to the internet.
Any advice would be gratefully received.