I'm not KP, but I'll update my answer anyway.
Starting with an arc of
Arc(10, 0, 100, 100, 0, 50, 100, 50)
That needs to be split into two beziers, with 4 points that need to be calculated (a, b, c and d)
BezierTo(aX, aY, bX, bY, 55, 100);
BezierTo(cX, cY, dX, dY, 10, 50);
Point a and b are determined by measuring a fraction of 0.27 of the difference from the corner (100,100) to the start and end points.
Point a moves straight up to starting point, the position will be 100- (100-50)*0.27 = 86.5
Point b moves straight across to the target point, the position will be 100-(100-55)*0.27 = 87.8
However, it doesn't look entirely accurate based on the following script that test the approximation. I hope it's accurate enough for your needs because I'm stopping here.
shape main{
noshadow = "true";
Arc(10, 0, 100, 100, 0, 50, 100, 50);
BezierTo(100, 86.2, 87.6, 100, 55, 100);