Author Topic: Overriding the Hyperlink element with UML Profiles  (Read 2691 times)


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Overriding the Hyperlink element with UML Profiles
« on: May 03, 2014, 09:02:13 am »
I’m trying to create a custom toolbox element that applies a stereotype and some other details to a Hyperlink using UML Profiles. I’ve had success creating custom profiles in the past, but I’m not finding an option for a Hyperlink in the “Extend Metaclass” dialog. Looking in our Sparx database, Hyperlink appears to be a standard Text element with NType = 19 but I can’t find a way to specify my stereotype so that it behaves as a hyperlink. Has anyone found a way to override the Hyperlink element using UML Profiles?

Also, to give some context, the reason we want to do this is that we want a way to have Composite Diagram links that are diagram specific instead of object specific. Our objects are shared across multiple diagrams and the subdiagrams those links take the user to need to be different depending on which diagram the user is on. The hope was to create a new element in the toolbox that the user can drag onto a particular object within the diagram that is styled in a similar way to the composite diagram icon and can link to another diagram.


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Re: Overriding the Hyperlink element with UML Prof
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2014, 09:28:13 pm »
I guess you would need to raise a feature request.

What you could do is to write an add-in that converts your stereotyped element (I guess you can't create text so you should make a Note element) and convert that on the fly after creation.
