Author Topic: Diagram layout and Text elements  (Read 2422 times)


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Diagram layout and Text elements
« on: June 27, 2015, 01:21:59 am »

In my Add-In, I create a new diagram with classes on it. To avoid having to think about where to locate those classes, I put them all in the top-left corner of the diagram then apply "LayoutDiagramEx". It works well.

The problem I have is that I now want to add a note and a hyperlink to an EA command in my diagram. If I do so, LayoutDiagramEx does not seem to move those two elements and they are superposed in the final diagram. For now, I have slighty moved the note, so it can be partially over another element of the diagram, but at least it does not cover entierely the hyperlink. But this is not ideal.

Is there something I am missing ? It also seems that diagram layout from EA interface does not move notes or hyperlinks, so I'd say it cannot be done with API method, but I am still hoping that there is a solution.

I am currently using EA v10.0.1008.


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Re: Diagram layout and Text elements
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2015, 03:45:10 am »
Layout works good in many cases. But Notes, Ports and a couple of other elements are not in its focus.

You can start mending that by moving those element to a free place on your diagram near the element they are linked to. I guess that will be quite challenging. Simpler would probably to line those element at the top from left to right so a human can more easily drag them to where it makes sense.
