I have tried to follow the directions in the online help for modeling database views. Creating a view stereotype etc. In those directions, it seems I should be able to choose my database type in the view properties box when actually dropping an instance of a view on a diagram. There is no database listbox. Instead there's a code listbox which lists things like C++, VB, etc. I must have something misconfigured. The directions then go onto say to click OK on the properties box after setting the stereotype of the class to <view>. Then I should reopen the properties box to select the database type. When I reopen it, all I get is a dialog with a View Definition textbox. This doesn't match the help at all. Any ideas?
Also, the docs mention something about your default database, but I can't seem to find where I can set my default database to Oracle.
This situaltion is time critical for me. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help.
EA Corporate version 7.0.814