Author Topic: how to move sequence flow labels in a BPMN diagram  (Read 4322 times)


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how to move sequence flow labels in a BPMN diagram
« on: September 18, 2007, 02:09:57 am »
I'm modelling business processes using BPMN diagrams in Enterprise Architect. When I create sequence flows from a decision element, I am using the "Link Name" on Control Flow Properties of the sequence flow to indicate "Yes" or "No" flows from the decision.
By default EA is placing the link name label as the "Target top label", so it appears at the end of the sequence flow. I want it to be the "Source top label". Can anyone advise how to do this?


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Re: how to move sequence flow labels in a BPMN dia
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2007, 02:30:05 pm »
Hi Mike,

try using the ConditionExpression tagged value to hold the Yes/No and leave the Link Name blank. The BPMN element appearances are controlled by Shape Scripts which can be modified if desired (I'm not sure if I've modified the one for SequenceFlow but my ConditionExpression shows up as the MiddleBottomLabel)

Cheers, Mark


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Re: how to move sequence flow labels in a BPMN dia
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2007, 02:49:27 pm »
...The BPMN element appearances are controlled by Shape Scripts which can be modified if desired...

You might stumble if you try this with EA 7.0. The shape scripts - actually the stereotypes that invoke the shape scripts - do not appear in the Settings | UML | Stereotypes dialog, even though EA knows about them. This is true up to and including EA build 817.

Sparx has provided the following workaround - at least for the present. Download and install the BPMN add-in. Yes, EA already has BPMN, and the 'internal' add-in is a later version, but bear with me.

The version you'll download is (at this writing) version 1.3. It has (pretty much) the same scripts as version 1.4, which is embedded in EA 7.0. Once you've installed the add-in the BPMN stereotypes, and their associated scripts, will appear in the dialog.

Export the reference data for these stereotypes. Then uninstall version 1.3 of the BPMN add-in. Now you can re-import the reference data and you've got the scripts.

Sparx is working on version 1.4 of the add-in, which will provide the most recent scripts, and perhaps other goodies. Keep watching the Latest News and MDG page for the release date.

HTH, David
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Re: how to move sequence flow labels in a BPMN dia
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2007, 02:58:49 pm »
True, David, I should have mentioned that  :-[
I got access to the stereotypes by importing the MDGTechnologies\BPMN Technology.xml file in the EA install directory (via the Resources Tab) but, as I had played with the BPMN AddIn, I am not sure whether this file was installed by the addin or by EA itself.
So, Mike, check if that file is there, if it is import it, if not do as David suggests.

Cheers, Mark


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Re: how to move sequence flow labels in a BPMN dia
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2007, 12:55:52 am »
I installed the add in v1.3 and still could not see the stereotypes in Settings | UML | Stereotypes dialog. I was connected to our shared EA repository - SQL Server. I can see them if I disconnect from the repository and work in an EA project saved locally.

So, when connected to the repository, I can set the ConditionExpression tagged value to Yes and it appears as the middle bottom label of the sequence flow. If I want to change this to be the source top label, how do I upload a modified Shape Script into the repository/is this possible or do I have to work locally and upload the diagrams when finished?

thanks for your help.


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Re: how to move sequence flow labels in a BPMN dia
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2007, 02:11:59 am »

You'll need to go through the exercise of export and import that I described earlier.

You need to 'activate' the add-in. Create a new project (use an EAP file). Go through the 'old style' MDG Load exercise - whether from the main menu or right-clicking a project. You might have to create a diagram, but I don't think so. Verify that you can see the new stuff.

Now export the appropriate reference data. You should be able to import it into your DBMS project.

Once you've confirmed that you can do this you can unload and uninstall the old add-in. The export file you created above can be used to load the BPMN shape scripts into any of your current projects.

You can also use this file to modify the EABase project. If you do so then the shape scripts will be included in all your new projects.

[You might want to search on this subject over the past 3 months (give or take). You'll find directions from the Sparxians. I believe I've captured this faithfully - this is what worked for me. However, they might have put it in more detail.]

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