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Enterprise Architect ENTERPRISE ARCHITECT 15.1


Version 15.1 builds on the solid feature set of version 15 and combines an incredibly rich new palette of tools, visual improvements, team customizations, governance, accessibility, integrations, collaboration and deployment options that together will revolutionize and revitalize your modeling and design process. A single tool to expertly cut across multiple domains and build a fully integrated, unified view of your business, your software, your systems, your processes, your enterprise and your world.


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Engage Your Global Audience

Use manual entry or the power of online services from Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud to translate model information into many different languages

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Enterprise Architect 15: Translate Enterprise Architect 15: Translate Enterprise Architect 15: Translate Name Alias and Documentation Enterprise Architect 15: Translate Reserved Terms
Fine Tune Your Modeling Language

Lock down your model with group based perspectives

Tailor your modeling language to exact requirements

Provide your team with the exact tools and technologies they need. Version 15.1 allows you to restrict any existing technology set to the few diagrams, elements and connectors required by your team's modeling efforts. As they are model based they can be shared effortlessly with the team members, accessed from the Perspectives menu item, Model Portal, or assigned to a specific security group.

Start with existing rules

Restrict and control the rules that allow for creating connectors between specific elements. Start with the existing metamodel rules and turn the desired connectors on and off for specific element types as required.

Quickly swap between rule sets

Access and activate personal perspectives from the portals window to quickly swap technology rules and sets.

Share with your team

Share your perspectives between multiple models and team members using the provided Import and Export functions.

Lock a package to a specific set and security group

Apply a specific perspective to a security controlled package


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Unleash Your Team

Model Baselines can now be configured to use a Reusable Asset Server (RAS), allowing multiple people to work on the same base model at the same time while being disconnected from each other.

This feature brings the power of a RAS to Baselines. While checking in, all model dependencies are also checked, baselined diagrams can be previewed and formal reviews can be conducted. Powerful Baseline features are also available, like the Visual Diagram Differencing, and the ability to drill down to the attribute level showing what has changed between baseline versions and the current diagram.

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Enterprise Architect 15: Rusable Asset Server Baselines
Enterprise Architect 15: Rusable Asset Server Baselines Enterprise Architect 15: Rusable Asset Server Baselines Enterprise Architect 15: Rusable Asset Server Baselines
Model Based Business Vocabulary

Define your business vocabulary in more detail using the new Project Glossary, a model based approach for glossary definition. Layout your grouping of terms using packages of Elements with each element defining a new term. The traditional Project Glossary window will automatically show all model based glossary terms in its listings. These Glossary Categories can be nested or placed where required in your model.

  • New GlossaryCategory package allows defining a grouping of terms
  • New GlossaryEntry element for defining a description to associate with a term
  • Glossary Categories can be nested or placed anywhere that is required in your model
  • The Category path and its name and description forms the terms definition

Any glossary terms in your Element-notes show the Glossary highlighting and the mouse-over tooltips show the terms description.

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Invite the World into Your Model

Tightly integrated information model, shared notes and properties

Externally referenced items now have their Properties and Notes displayed in additional pages of standard docked windows, providing a clean External Data window clearly listing just the external or linked items. The updates also include external Discussions displayed in the Collaborate window.

Build Your Own Interface to Your System

The new feature for customizing your own Integrations to other applications is now available, allowing you to add support for new services to the External Data Integration by fully integrating another application with built-in functionality. The sessions are now managed automatically - simplifying the Pro Cloud Server forwarding.

Custom Integration Services, once configured, can be called from scripting or add-ins and now support arbitrary requests and responses.

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Enterprise Architect 15: Dynamic Translation
Pin Your Favorites

Pin Your Models

The Start Page has been enhanced with the ability to pin your favorite models, ensuring you can always access them quickly.

  • Right Click a recent model in the Start Page and select 'Pin Connection'
  • Pinned models show in a separate list in the Start Page and File menu
  • Pinned models are sorted alphabetically

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Take Full Control of New Diagram Layers

Hide, show and filter diagram content on demand with the new Diagram Layers
Enterprise Architect 15: Diagram Layers

Provide new clarity and insights to your model by assigning diagram elements to different layers on a per diagram basis using Enterprise Architect's diagram layers.

Each layer can have its own easily identifiable name and can be created and selected from the Layers tab of the Diagram Filters docked window.

Layer visibility can be turned on or off by the check box in the layer list, which is useful for hiding parts of the diagram, like diagram headings and other decorative elements or for using it to break a large diagram down into small consumable parts. Connectors are also turned on and off when the layers containing both element ends are visible.

Filtering to a selected layer is also possible which highlights different segments of the diagram at the click of a button.

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Freeze Visible Relationships at a Point in Time

Diagrams now have the option to freeze the visible connectors on a diagram.

This creates cleaner "finalized" diagrams. When the same elements are used on different diagrams and a connector is drawn between them, the new connector does not show on your "Frozen Diagram".

Preview Child Diagrams Without Losing Focus

Keyboard accelerators to preview and switch to child diagrams
Enterprise Architect 15: Nested Images


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Visualize Your World

Enterprise Architect's Custom Drawing style has just got better
  • Custom Drawing style diagrams now have the option to draw shapes with 5 to 10 edges
  • Moving and Resizing of custom drawn triangles now behaves more intuitively
  • Presentation options to show the Enterprise Architect Logo on the right edge of diagrams

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Enhanced and Richer Decision Tables

Decision Tables

Expression Editor


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Enterprise Architect 15: DecisionTable

Cyber Security Profile

Identify Potential Threats

Developed in partnership with Sparx Services Central Europe, the Cyber Security Modeling Profile provides a diagram and relevant elements enabling you to perform cyber security threat evaluation based on your Trust Diagram.

And Form a Mitigate Plan

Use the built in patterns and check lists to form an action plan to mitigate potential cyber security threats before they happen

Lightning Quick Backup and Transfer

Fast model to model transfer. Cloud enabled.
Enterprise Architect 15: Native Transfer

Visual Execution Analyzer

  • Added supports for scripts to integrate with your source version control provider:
    • The Source Control group includes Merge, Changes, History, Commit, Working Copy and Repository scripts
    • Commands are available from Execution Analyzer window or Execute ribbon
  • Execution Analyzer window now allows a user to filter the list of scripts to a single package
  • Refresh command added to context menu for packages linked to Visual Studio, Eclipse etc. Allows re-importing the package
  • Linked Project Refresh now provides option to only import files with a changed timestamp
  • Remote host script property can now be set to #SYSTEMHOST#
    • Results in the script being sent to the Windows Satellite Service when running on Windows
    • Results in the script being sent to the Linux Satellite Service when running under Wine
    • These services are configured for the user in the Private Options section of an analyzer script
  • Highlighting of errors, warnings and build success from Analyzer scripts added:
    • Errors will now be displayed in red
    • Warnings will now be displayed in orange
    • Build success will now be displayed in green
  • File search and File find history is now maintained on a model basis
  • File search toolbar resizes with window
  • Debug Modules window no longer displays grid lines


Registered users have immediate access to the EA15.1 installer

Additional Resources

Online User Guide: View the online Enterprise Architect v15.1 user guide
User Guide Library: View the Enterprise Architect v15.1 user guide in PDF
Local User Guide: Configure your EA15.1 environment to use a local user guide