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Enterprise Architect Modeling and Design Tool Suite PRO CLOUD SERVER 5.0

This latest release of the Pro Cloud Server introduces some of the most requested functionality and continues the ongoing streamlining of configuration tasks.
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WebEA - New Tabbed Interface

An overhaul to WebEA's main layout for an improved user experience.
WebEA's interface is now split into three main tabs:
  • The Model Tab, for browsing the model content.
  • The Collaborate tab for accessing collaborative features such as Discussions, Mail and Chat.
  • The Search tab, for custom searches and predefined watchlists.
This new tabbed layout allows you to quickly switch between tabs; responding to model chat, or performing a model search, without losing your place in the model.
Model Tab
Collaborate Tab Search Tab

WebEA - Improved Usability

Model navigation breadcrumb
Watchlist Search results
Navigation Breadcrumb
WebEA's model navigation bar now include a breadcrumb of the current objects location. This provides quick and easy access to parent packages and objects. Combined with WebEA's browser this allows efficient navigation of your model content.
Enhanced Search and Watchlist
WebEA's Search and Watchlist results now provide a properties panel along side the list of results. This allows you to easily browse the results from directly within the search tab, or you can use the 'Find In Model' button jump to the object within the model.

WebEA - Editable Tagged Values

Tagged Values can now be edited directly from within WebEA.
As requested, tagged values can now be edited within WebEA:
  • Greatly enhances the options for updating MDG based models within WebEA.
  • Supports structured tag types such as enumerations and memo tags.
  • Kanban diagrams which are bound to tagged values can now be updated via WebEA.
Edit BPMN Tagged Values
Edit Memo tags Select objects for RefGUID tags

Prolaborate - Updates and Enhancements

Discover the latest and greatest features and enhancements in this release for Prolaborate
Sleek and Clean UI

Take the model information to the wider audience using the clean UI created as per latest design trends
Prolaborate Element Editor
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Effective Visual What If Analysis

Do the due diligence through the new impact analysis tool and ensure greater control on model governance
Prolaborate Relationship Matrix
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Revamped Discussions and Reviews

Discussions and Reviews revamped to enable the teams to collaborate in a better way and make your architect modeling agile!
Prolaborate Microsoft Add-In for Teams
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All-in-one Informative pages

All the important information in a single place to give you an overarching view
Prolaborate Advanced Visualizations

White lists for Remote Connections

Explicit Access
Control exactly who has permission to connect to your Pro Cloud Server with white lists. White lists of IP addresses allow you to specify one or more addresses who can connect and blocks those who are not.
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Pro Cloud Server White List

64 Bit Architecture

Pro Cloud Server 64 bit - an enhanced technology platform to future proof your investment in the Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect suite.

Pro Cloud Server has been extensively reworked into an all new 64 bit version. The new 64 bit version allows you to work with much larger data sets, reports, files and repositories.

With the future focusing more and more on 64 bit only platforms, Pro Cloud Server is ready to meet the challenge and deliver outstanding results in record time.
Pro Cloud Server 64 Bit
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