20 Terabytes a Night: Designing the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope's Image Processing Pipelines



Since 2002, Sparx Systems has benefitted by having ICONIX as a member of its Global Partner Program. ICONIX CEO Doug Rosenberg is a luminary in the field of Software Engineering and noted author. Over the years he has contributed valuable expertise, helping to ensure Enterprise Architect provides world-leading support for the ICONIX process.

At Sparx, we have enjoyed the �hands-on� experience Doug has related to us from years of successfully applying the ICONIX process to projects in industry. We�d like to share some of these insights with the broader Enterprise Architect community.

In this e-Book, we asked Doug to distill his experiences and lessons-learned from the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) project. The sheer size and complex nature of LSST, bring a unique set of challenges and a massive software modeling endeavor. However, the unchanging principles behind use of model abstractions, UML and the ICONIX process remain beneficial in such an undertaking, as highlighted throughout this account. We hope you also enjoy and benefit from Doug�s shared experience on the amazing LSST project!

Download the E-book in PDF format

Authors: Doug Rosenberg with Matt Stephens