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Transparency at the organization level is critical when it comes to modeling Enterprises and Systems.

Aligning business and IT leadership across an organization is much simpler and more effective with increased transparency, leading to smarter decisions and faster implementation.

This webinar will demonstrate how Sparx Systems Prolaborate has transformed the modeling process of four global organizations.

In this webinar, we will show you how to:


Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about Enterprise Architect

Session 1

Melbourne Tue 18 Feb 08:00 am
New York Mon 17 Feb 16:00 pm
Los Angeles Mon 17 Feb 13:00 pm
London Mon 17 Feb 21:00 pm
Auckland Tue 18 Feb 10:00 am

Session 2


MadhavSparx Systems India
Scott HebbardCommunications Manager
Sparx Systems

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Questions & Answers

Yes, you can share specific diagrams and repositories.

As Prolaborate always show live information, this can be achieved only by storing specific versions in the model. For example, our customers often use two models called As-Is and To-Be to store and compare the current and future state of models.

Any changes in Prolaborate gets saved in the model immediately. If you want a feedback loop in place before the changes are done in the EA model, the Prolaborate user can start a discussion about the change. The reviewer or approver can review the change and give their feedback. The EA user can view the discussion using Prolaborate add-in for EA (see documentation topic View Prolaborate from within EA) and then make changes that are approved.

The roadmap will continue to center on Prolaborate's core functional areas (Share, Simplify, Collaborate, Integration, Visualize, and Analyze). Please feel free to share if you have specific expectations.

For a specific team or user, you can provide access just to the content of a single package using Access Permissions capability (see documentation topic Access Permission).

Prolaborate provides a real-time view of the model, unlike HTML documents. For a faster overview of Prolaborate, watch our Quick Overview YouTube video.

That is correct. Any elements or objects linked to an item in Jira can be updated using Prolaborate. You can update diagrams only using EA.

Prolaborate is designed for the use of stakeholders. WebEA is designed for web-based users of Enterprise Architect.

Prolaborate is a tailored set of views that reduces complexity, focuses attention and increases the accessibility of model information for non-modelers and others who are more concerned with consuming the model than directly editing it. By contrast, WebEA is a browser-based application used by Enterprise Architect modelers who want to access their models over a Web Browser.

Yes, the Auto-update option needs to be enabled in EA to view live diagrams in Prolaborate. Yes, all other data is pulled from EA models in real time.

No, they are two different capabilities. Learn more about Prolaborate discussion see the documentation topic Start a Discussion.

No, you can create your own groups (see documentation topic Add User) or views (see documentation topic Dashboard Designer) in Prolaborate.

As Answered above.

No. All the core modeling tasks like the ones mentioned are only completed in EA.

Prolaborate uses the OSLC interface of Pro Cloud Server (PCS). So, you can use PCS to take information from your EA models to other tools like DOORS.

Yes. Read about the capabilities of Prolaborate reviews in the documentation topic Review Enterprise Architect Models.

Once you edit the forms using Form Designer (see our documentation topic Modeling Languages), filtered views will get automatically updated to show Yes, the Auto-update option needs to be enabled in EA to view live diagrams in Prolaborate. Yes, all other data is pulled from EA models in real time. specific tag values.

You can add each EA project as a repository in Prolaborate (see documentation topic Add Repositories) and then manage the access. You can decide what a team or user see once they log in to Prolaborate i.e., list of repositories and the content inside each repository.

Confluence integration of Prolaborate primarily involves bringing live information. What you can do is add notes in EA diagrams using EA regarding the changes. Your test team can view the same in Confluence and create test scripts accordingly.

Prolaborate uses the OSLC interface of Pro Cloud Server (PCS). So, you can use PCS to take information from your EA models to other tools like DOORS.

Yes. Read about the capabilities of Prolaborate reviews in the documentation topic Review Enterprise Architect Models.

Once you edit the forms using Form Designer (see our documentation topic Modeling Languages), filtered views will get automatically updated to showYes, the Auto-update option needs to be enabled in EA to view live diagrams in Prolaborate. Yes, all other data is pulled from EA models in real time. specific tag values.

You can add each EA project as a repository in Prolaborate (see documentation topic Add Repositories) and then manage the access. You can decide what a team or user see once they log in to Prolaborate i.e., list of repositories and the content inside each repository.

Confluence integration of Prolaborate primarily involves bringing live information. What you can do is add notes in EA diagrams using EA regarding the changes. Your test team can view the same in Confluence and create test scripts accordingly.

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