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Predefined Reference Data Types
If you want to create your own, customized, Reference Data Tagged Values, you can base them on a range of predefined Reference Data Tagged Value types. Each of the predefined Reference Data Tagged Value types returns the values held in a specific reference data table.
Tagged Value Types
Each description includes the syntax for creating the initial values for use of the Tagged Value. The Tagged Value Type and Format entries are case-sensitive.
Tagged Value Type |
Format |
See also |
Authors |
Type=Enum; List=Authors; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Authors. |
Cardinality |
Type=Enum; List=Cardinality; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Cardinality types. |
Clients |
Type=Enum; List=Clients; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Clients. |
ComplexityTypes |
Type=Enum; List=ComplexityTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Complexity types. Whilst complexity types can be exported and imported as project reference data, they cannot be updated and so are effectively standard across all projects. |
ConstraintTypes |
Type=Enum; List=ConstraintTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Constraint types. |
EffortTypes |
Type=Enum; List=EffortTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Effort types. |
MaintenanceTypes |
Type=Enum; List=MaintenanceTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model : Maintenance types. |
ObjectTypes |
Type=Enum; List=ObjectTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Object types. |
Phases |
Type=Enum; List=Phases; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Phases. |
ProblemTypes |
Type=Enum; List=ProblemTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Problem types. |
RoleTypes |
Type=Enum; List=RoleTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Role types. |
RequirementTypes |
Type=Enum; List=RequirementTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Requirement types. |
Resources |
Type=Enum; List=Resources; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Resources. |
RiskTypes |
Type=Enum; List=RiskTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Risk types. |
RTFTemplates |
Type=Enum; List=RTFTemplates; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Document Report Templates. |
ScenarioTypes |
Type=Enum; List=ScenarioTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Scenario types. |
TestTypes |
Type=Enum; List=TestTypes; Drop-Down List Returned, of Data Defined for the Model: Test types. |
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