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Working with Database Table Properties
Once you have created a Database Table, you can review its properties and check that the DBMS and Owner values are correct. To display the 'Properties' dialog for a Table, either double-click on the Table name in the 'Database Builder Tables' Package or on the Table element on a diagram.
A DBMS must be assigned to a Table before you can add columns in it. If you are using the Database Builder then the DBMS of the data model will be automatically applied to all new Tables; however, if you have added a Table by other means (i.e. working on a diagram) then this is a manual step.
Once the Database Table properties are defined, you are ready to add columns.
Task |
See also |
Set the database type for a Table - other than the Table name, the most important property to set for a Database Table is the database type. |
Set the Database Type Database Datatypes |
Set the database Table Owner - For some DBMSs all Tables must be assigned an Owner/Schema; in Enterprise Architect this property is defined as a Tagged Value with the name Owner. |
Set Table Owner/Schema |
Set extended options - some DBMSs have extended options that are only relevant to that DBMS. These extended properties are stored as Tagged Values. |
Set Oracle Table Properties Set MySQL Options |
Default DBMS
Prior to creating a Physical Data Model it is advisable for you to set the default DBMS, which will be automatically applied to new database objects that you create outside of the Database Builder. You can set the default DBMS type in one of these ways:
- Select 'Tools | Options | Code Editors', then set the field 'Default Database'
- Select 'Project | Settings | Database Datatypes', then select a Product Name and select the 'Set as Default' checkbox
- Set the DBMS in the second field of the Code Generation Toolbar
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