Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Generate GML Application Schema
After you have created a GML model using the built-in MDG Technology for GML, you can generate GML Application Schema from the model Package.
Access Extensions | GML | Generate GML Application Schema
Generate GML Application Schema
Field/Option/Button |
Action |
See also |
Source Package |
Displays the name of the selected «Application Schema» stereotyped Package. |
Directory |
Type in or browse for the directory into which the application schema file is to be generated. |
GML Version |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the version of the GML Application Schema. Currently versions 3.3 and 3.2.1 are supported. |
XML Encoding |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the XML encoding scheme to be used. |
Ignore Element and Property Visibility |
Click on this option to include all Classes, Attributes and Association End roles in the GML Application Schema, irrespective of their visibility (or Scope). Otherwise, only those with Public visibility will be considered for generation. |
Details Source and Target Role Create and Manage Attributes |
Stylesheet |
(Optional) Select an XSL stylesheet to post-process the Schema before saving it to file. Import the required stylesheet into the project through the Resources window before selecting it in this field. |
Resources |
Application Schema(s) |
Lists all the Application Schema Packages under the selected source Package. Click on a Package to display its details, as well as any of its child «Leaf» stereotyped Package details, in the Package Details panel. GML Application Schema will not be generated for any Package in the list that is unchecked. |
Package Details |
Against each of the child «Application Schema» and (optionally) «Leaf» stereotyped Packages (if any), enter a filename. To do this, double-click on the Package name in the list and, on the 'Package Details' dialog, review or complete these fields:
Note that:
Generate |
Generate the GML Application Schema for each of the checked Packages in the Package Details panel. |
View Schema |
Display the generated GML Application Schema for the selected Package in the Package Details panel. |
Close |
Close the 'Generate GML Application Schema' dialog. |
Help |
Display this Help topic. |
- The MDG Technology for GML is available in the Professional, Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, System Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect
- A «CodeList» stereotyped Class with the tag 'asDictionary' set to True will be exported as a separate XML file to the directory specified in the 'Directory' field, with the filename CodeList_<classname>.xml (where <classname> is the name of the «CodeList» stereotyped Class)
- Using the configurable file GMLStereotypes.xml in the Sparx Systems > EA > Config > GML folder, you can specify aliases for the standard GML stereotypes; the GML Application Schema Generator will also consider these aliases during Schema generation
- Association Class is specific to GML 3.3; when generating GML 3.2.1 Application Schema, the Association and Class of an Association Class are treated as separate entities
Learn more
- The Open Geospatial Consortium GML Specification (Online Resource)