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Requirements Checklist

Getting to know the Requirements Checklist



Introducing the Requirements Checklist

The Requirements Checklist is a convenient element that acts as a tally to indicate whether a Requirement complies with a set of predefined measures such as whether the Requirement is Atomic, Cohesive, Traceable and Verifiable. It can be assigned to any Requirement and the measures can be updated directly in the diagram. When working with requirements it is sometimes very useful to refer to a common set of 'best practices' and qualities that help define the nature of a well formed specification. The Requirement Checklist element is designed to meet this need.

Where to find the Requirements Checklist

Toolbox  | More Tools... | Requirements |  Extended Requirements Page | Requirements Checklist

Usage of the Requirements Checklist

Analysts and Requirements Managers can use the checklist to annotate whether one or more requirements meet a set of predefined checks.

Options for the Requirements Checklist

The list of measures is completely configurable and items can be added or removed from the list for each individual checklist by using the Checklist Tagged Value notes.

Learn more about the Requirements Checklist

Requirement Checklist