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Validate Package Configurations

Having defined the version control settings for your current model, you can test the validity of those settings associated with each version controlled Package within the model.

Access Project | Version Control | Validate Package Configurations

Validate version control settings



See also


The validation process scans the model database and verifies that the version control configuration associated with each version controlled Package is fully specified in the current model. It also queries the corresponding version control provider to find the status of the Package file associated with each version controlled Package.

The results of the validation process are sent to the System Output window.

The System Output Window


Open the 'Version Control Settings' dialog to complete the definition of any invalid or missing version control configurations.

Version Control Setup


Click on an error message in the System Output window to highlight the corresponding Package in the Project Browser.


Right-click a Package node and select 'Package Control | Configure Package' to open the 'Package Control Options' dialog.

Correct any problems with the version control details for the Package.

Correct any problems with the Package's associated XMI file.

Configure Controlled Package