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Generate Robustness Diagram

When you create a scenario on an element and then generate a Robustness diagram, a Collaboration is created as a child of the selected element to act as a container for the Robustness diagram.

Access On a diagram or in the Project Browser, right-click on element and select:

Properties > Scenarios > Structured Specification: | Robustness or

Properties Page | Scenarios > Structured Specification: | Robustness


  • All the elements involved in the scenario should be identified in the 'Context Reference' tab; that is, relationships must already exist between the scenario parent element and the other elements named in the scenario
  • Any values in the 'Uses', 'Results' and 'State' columns are ignored and not represented in the diagram
  • Each UI element in a step becomes a Boundary element; a Dependency relationship is created from this Boundary element to the UI element (this connector is not shown on the diagram)
  • Each Actor referenced in a step is dropped into the Robustness diagram as a simple link
  • Each Class referenced in a step is dropped into the Robustness diagram as a simple link, and is given the stereotype entity
  • Each step with a System trigger becomes a Controller; alternate/exception path Controllers are displayed with a red background color
  • Each step with a User trigger becomes the name of the Association between Controllers


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