Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Model Mail

The Model Mail facility provides you with the ability to send, receive and respond to emails within the project team, under your User Security ID either as an individual user or as a member of a group that has a shared mail inbox. The 'Mail Inbox' tab shows all emails that you have received, and the 'Sent Mail' tab shows all the emails you have created and sent. Within the facility you can re-organize, forward, delete and mark the emails, both sent and received.

This facility is available in the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, with User Security enabled; the mail system uses the individual and group users defined in User Security.

Access Project | Model Mail

Review your Model Mail messages



See also

Open a message

Double-click on the message.

If the message contains a hyperlink, click on the link to open or display the target file or object.


Check the flag color to establish the significance of the message (the meanings of the flag colors should be defined within the project team).


Check for the read or unread icon; unread message items are anyway displayed in bold.


The name of the project team member who sent the message.


The topic of the message.


Indicates the age of the message, whether it was sent:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • This week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • Older


The exact date and time the message was sent.

Select Columns

Right-click on the column headings and select the 'Field Chooser' menu option, which enables you to add or remove specific columns from the display.

You can also click on the column headings and drag them across the header bar to reposition the columns in a different sequence.

Adding the 'To' column will display the user account or group name that this mail item was sent to; this column is useful to identify whether the message was sent to you as an individual or as a member of a Group with a Shared Mail inbox - if you received the message as a member of a shared mail group, remember that your actions on this message will also affect all other members of this group.

List Header Maintain Groups

Filter Columns

You can filter the mail items listed by displaying the Filter Bar (right-click on the column headings and select the 'Toggle Filter Bar' option) and typing in the value (or partial value) to filter on.

For example, if you type your group mail account name in the filter field for the 'To' column, you will list only those mail items sent to the group mail address, not those sent to you as an individual.

To clear the value of a filter field, click on the blue cross against that field.

Reorganize messages in the list


  • Click on a column heading to toggle sorting of list items by this column in ascending or descending order, or
  • Right-click on the column heading and select the 'Enable Group Box' option to organize the messages into groups

Model Mail Toolbar Options



See also

Compose Message

Open the 'Model Message' dialog, through which you create and send a mail message.

Create a Message

Delete Messages

Delete a selected message or messages; you are prompted to confirm the deletion.


Open the 'Model Message' dialog, through which you create a response to the sender of the message, which includes a copy of the message and any earlier messages in the thread.

Create a Message

Reply to All

Open the 'Model Message' dialog, through which you create a response to the sender of the message and the other recipients, which includes a copy of the message and any earlier messages in the thread.


Open the 'Model Message' dialog, through which you forward the message to other project team members with, if necessary, your own comments.

Mark as Unread

Mark the selected messages as unread.

Mark as Read

Mark the selected messages as read.

Viewing Panel

Adds a panel to the Model Mail view showing the contents of the currently selected message.  The Viewing Panel can be displayed to the Right or Bottom of the message list.  Select Hide to show only the message list.

Help Contents

Display this Help topic.

Model Mail Context menu options



See also

Compose New Message

Click to open the 'Model Message' dialog, through which you create and send a mail message.


Create a Message


Create a response to the sender of the message, which includes a copy of the message and any earlier messages in the thread.

Shortcut: Ctrl+R

Reply to All

Create a response to the sender of the message and the other recipients, which includes a copy of the message and any earlier messages in the thread.

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+R


Forward the message to other project team members with, if necessary, your own comments.

Shortcut: Ctrl+F

Set Message Flag

Select the appropriate flag color to establish the significance of the message (the meanings of the flag colors should be defined within the project team).

Mark as Unread

Mark the selected messages as unread.

Shortcut: Ctrl+U

Mark as Read

Mark the selected messages as read.

Shortcut: Ctrl+Q, or click on the message and press the R key.


Delete a selected message or messages; you are prompted to confirm the deletion.

Manage your sent messages on the Sent Items tab



See also

Open a message

Double-click on the message.

From the open message you can reply to the sender, reply to the sender and all other recipients, or forward the message to other team members.

Create a Message


Check the flag color to establish the significance of the message (the meanings of the flag colors should be defined within the project team).


Check the name(s) of the project team member(s) to whom the message was sent.


The topic of the message.


Indicates the age of the message, whether it was sent:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • This week
  • Last Week
  • This Month
  • Last Month
  • Older


The exact date and time the message was sent.

Select Columns

Right-click on the column headings and select the 'Field Chooser' menu option, which enables you to add or remove specific columns from the display.

You can also click on the column headings and drag them across the header bar to reposition the columns in a different sequence.

Adding the 'Sender' column is useful to identify whether you have sent the message as an individual, or as a member of a shared mail group.

List Header

Reorganize messages in the list


  • Click on a column heading to toggle sorting of list items by this column in ascending or descending order, or
  • Right-click on the column heading and select the 'Enable Group Box' option to organize the messages into groups

Delete messages

Right-click on the message and select the 'Delete' option.

You are prompted to confirm the deletion.

Reply to All

Right-click on the message and select the 'Reply to All' context menu option.

The 'Model Message' dialog displays.

Create a Message


Right-click on the message and select the 'Forward' option.

The 'Model Message' dialog displays.