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Maintain Groups

Whilst you can apply access permissions to each user individually, it is easier and more convenient to assign all users with the same access permission(s) to a security group, and assign the permissions to all the members of that group in a single action.

The security group also acts as a mailbox for Model Mail, where the group name can be selected as the addressee; when an internal mail is sent to the group, all members of the group receive that email in their Model Mail view. The group name can act as either:

  • A mail list, in which case each group member receives their own copy of the message, or
  • A mail box, in which case the email is a single entity and the group members do not receive separate instances of it; if one group member responds to or deletes the email, the other group members see that action as if they had performed it themselves

Access Project | Security | Manage Groups

Set up a security group



See also


Click on this button to clear the fields ready to define a new group.

Group Name

Type the security group name.


Type a description of the group.


Click on this button to save the group definition and add it to the Groups list.

Link to Active Directory

Select this checkbox to enable linking to a Windows Active Directory Group from which to import users.

You must have 'Accept Active Directory Authentication' permission in Windows to link to the Active Directory; an error message displays if you do not have this.

When you select the checkbox, the 'Select Group' dialog displays on which you specify the Windows Active Directory Group to attach to.

Shared Mail

To make the group name act as a mail box, select this checkbox against the name in the list.

To use the group name as a mail list, leave the checkbox unselected.

Model Mail

Active Directory Link

Displays the address of the Active Directory Group that this user group is linked to, if any.


Enabled if the group is linked to a Windows Active Directory. Click on this button to synchronize the group with the Active Directory (that is, import specific users into the model from the Active Directory).


Lists the permissions that can be assigned to the user group. Select the checkbox against each permission the members of the group are to have.


After you add users to the user group, they are listed in this panel.

Maintain Users


Click on this button to close the dialog.


  • You must have 'Security - Manage Users' permission to manage user groups; the initial Admin administrator and Administrators group automatically have this permission
  • You do not define groups as group logins with passwords; if you intend to use a group login, you can define a single-user login and password that all group members use (that is, Enterprise Architect allows multiple logins under one user ID)
  • Emails already sent to a group as a mail list and those sent to a group as a mailbox cannot be interchanged; if you change the status of the 'Shared Mail' checkbox, the only way to change the distribution of past emails is to forward them to the group name again
  • You can subsequently edit the group name; changes are automatically reflected in the internal Model Mail mail list or mail box

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