Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Enable/Disable Security

User security is not automatically enabled on the system. If your organization requires the security facilities, the Security Administrator enables them using an authorization key obtained from the Sparx Systems website. Similarly, if security facilities are no longer required, the Security Administrator explicitly disables security, again using the authorization key.

Access Project | Security | Enable Security

Enable and Disable User Security



See also


Obtain the authorization key from the Sparx Systems website on:

  • the 'Team Modeling Resources' section (Trial User) or
  • the 'Registered Users' section (Registered User; you must also have your Registered Users login and password)

The two authorization keys are not interchangeable - the Trial User key does not work on a registered user installation.

Registered Users web pages Team Modeling Resources web pages


In Enterprise Architect, select the 'Enable Security' menu option.

The 'Enter authorization' dialog displays.


In the 'Enter authorization key' field, type the authorization key from the Sparx Systems website.


If required, select the 'Automatically apply Exclusive Edit Locks to diagrams' checkbox.

In standard (User/Group Locking) mode, this option blocks multiple users from simultaneously attempting to modify the same diagram (see Notes).

This option is ignored in 'Require User Lock to Edit' security mode.

Set Security Policy


Click on the OK button.

Security is enabled, and an Admin user and Administrators user group are created, both with all access permissions; the Admin user has the password of 'password'.

List of Available Permissions


Select the 'Project | Security | Login as Another User' menu option, and log in as 'Admin' with the initial password of 'password'.

It is recommended that you change the Admin password immediately.

Change Password


Set up users and permissions as required.

Maintain Users Maintain Groups


  • Once security has been enabled, you must have 'Security-Enable/Disable' permission to turn it off - the initial Admin administrator and Administrators group automatically have this permission; the system prompts you to log off the project and log on again, but this is not strictly necessary
  • If you re-enable security, be aware that any changes you have made to the Admin user (password and reduced access permissions) are reset to 'password' and full access; similarly, the Administrators user group is reinstated with full access permissions
  • The 'Automatically apply Exclusive Edit Locks to diagrams' option is not displayed when disabling security, therefore to toggle the setting whilst security is enabled you must disable security and re-enable it; security settings (users, groups and permissions) and locks on elements are not affected by this action
  • If the 'Automatically apply Exclusive Edit Locks to diagrams' option is selected, as a user modifies a diagram the system automatically applies a User Lock to the diagram, preventing any other user from modifying it
    It is creating a difference between the database and buffer versions of the diagram that triggers the temporary lock, and elimination of difference that releases the lock; therefore, the system releases the lock when:
    -   The user saves the changes to the diagram, with the Save icon or keyboard keys
    -   The user undoes the last remaining action in the 'Undo' list
    -   The user saves or discards changes via the system prompt when they close the diagram

    If the diagram already has a User Lock or Group Lock that does not exclude the current user, this lock is set aside and saved when the temporary User Lock is applied; when the temporary User Lock is released, the pre-existing lock is restored