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Model Portal

The Model Portal provides links to the facilities of the system that help you to create, develop and manage the models in your project.





Show > Window > Show Portals Bar: Model


View | Portals | Model


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See also


The options in this group help you to show the content and organization of all or part of your project, and to locate model components in the structure. Select:

  • Project Browser - to display the structure and organization of the models in your project
  • Package Browser - to display the elements within a selected Package; you can perform a range of operations on a selected element
  • Package Finder - to locate and open a Package wherever it exists in the model

Package Browser The Project Browser Edit Menu


The options in this group help you to create the main model structures for a project. Select:

  • 'Model from Pattern' - to display the Model Wizard, which provides the Patterns for generating models for a wide range of technologies
  • 'Package' -  to display the 'New Package' dialog, to create a simple Package in the model
  • 'Diagram' - to display the 'New Diagram' dialog, to create a new UML, Extended or Technology diagram in your model
  • 'Element' - to display the 'New Element' dialog to create a new element within the selected Package

Add Elements Directly To Packages Add a Package Add New Diagrams Model Wizard


This group of options helps you to define how the elements and the model structures they represent operate, individually and in combination. Select:

  • Specification Manager - to create and display the elements in a Package as simple textual specifications
  • Scenario Builder - to display the Scenarios and Requirements window and create and view the 'use case' scenarios of a selected element
  • Decision Table Editor - to display the Decision Table view, which helps you define the decisions represented by an Activity or Action element
  • Database Builder - to display the Database Builder view, which you can use for all of your database modeling
  • Schema Composer - to display the Schema Composer view, which you can use to import, generate and model with data schema

Decision Table Editor Scenarios Specification Manager The Schema Composer The Database Builder


This group of options help you to report on and manage the way in which elements and model structures interact. Select:

  • Trace Window - to display the Traceability window, for examining all relationship chains that the selected element is a member of
  • Relationships Window - to display the Relationships window,  for a comprehensive analysis of each relationship the selected element is a partner in
  • Relationship Matrix - to display the Relationship Matrix, on which you can report on, filter, create and modify the relationships between two sets of elements
  • Gap Analysis Matrix - to analyze model artifacts for potential gaps in solutions, highlighting any shortfall between the Baseline Architecture and the Target Architecture; that is, items that have been deliberately omitted, accidentally left out, or not yet defined
  • Find Elements in Diagrams - to locate a selected element in all diagrams where it is represented
  • Insert Related Elements - to locate all elements related to the selected element and list them on the 'Insert Related Elements' dialog, from which you can filter and select them for inclusion on the diagram

The Traceability Window Relationship Matrix Gap Analysis Matrix Insert Related Elements The Relationships Window Show Element Use


These options help you to perform Model Driven Architecture (MDA) Transformations on selected elements and Packages. Select:

  • 'Transform Elements' - to perform a transformation on specific elements
  • 'Transform Package' - to perform a transformation on a specific Package
  • 'Configure Templates' - to create or modify the template used to perform a specific type of transformation

Model Transformation Transform Elements Edit Transformation Templates

Diagram Tools

This group of options helps you to construct and represent model structures in diagrammatic form. Select:

  • 'Toolbox' - to display the Diagram Toolbox window, which provides the templates for all elements and connectors, and various other structures, that you create on a diagram
  • 'Visual Filters' - to display the Diagram Filters window, which you use to fade, hide or highlight certain types of structure on a diagram to emphasize a particular aspect of the diagram
  • 'Overview and Panning' - to display the Pan and Zoom window, which you use to scan a large diagram and zoom in on specific areas of interest
  • 'Layout Tools' - to display the Layout Tools window, which you use to apply one of several automatic layout patterns to your diagram

The Pan & Zoom Window Diagram Filters Layout Diagrams Diagram Toolbox

Other Tools

These options help you to define and review specific characteristics of elements and their properties, to observe the output of any processing that the system performs, and to discuss project and modeling issues with team members in a structured internal forum. Select:

  • Element Properties - to display the 'Properties' dialog for a selected element, and to create and review the properties of the element
  • Notes - to display the Notes window and create and review the Notes of selected elements
  • Tagged Values - to display the Tagged Values window and create and review the Tagged Values of selected elements
  • System Output - to display the System Output window, which has a number of tabs to capture the output of specific types of processing within the system
  • Team Review - to open the internal Team Review forum to create and read posts on project and modeling issues raised by your team

Team Review Tools Properties Window Tagged Values Notes The System Output Window

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