Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Analyzer Script Editor

The Analyzer Script Editor is a straightforward user interface with a tree view on the left for easy navigation of features, and a content view on the right. 

Access Analyzer | Execution Analyzer (Shift+F12)

Use the 'Script' context menu.

Double click on the script to edit it.

Execution Analyzer Scripts

Task - Page


See also

Build - Build

Enter script or command to build the application. This can be an Apache Ant or Visual Studio command, but can also be tailored depending on your development environment. Note: Remember to select a parser to get directly to the source code in the event of any errors. The parser field is on the same page and offers support for many languages.

Add Build Commands

Build - Clean

Enter script or command to clean the previous build. This is the command line you would normally issue to build your system. This can be an Apache Ant or Visual Studio command depending on your development environment.

Cleanup Script

Test - Test

Enter script or command to test  the application. This is typically where an nUnit or jUnit invocation might be configured, but it just as easily could be any procedure or program.


Test - Testpoints

Specify where the output from a Testpoint run is sent.

Testpoints Output

Debug - Platform

Specify the debugging platform, the application to be debugged, and the mode of debugging (attach to process or run).


Debug - Tracepoints

Specify where the output from Tracepoints encountered during a debug session are sent.

Tracepoint Output

Debug - Workbench

For .NET projects, the assembly to load. Not required for Java.

Workbench Setup

Run - Run

Enter a script or command to run the application.

Add Run Command

Deploy - Deploy

Enter a script or command to deploy the project. Build your jar file. Deploy to your device, an emulator or Tomcat server.

Publish a web site. Its up to you.

Add Deploy Command

Recording - Recording

Does your sequence diagram look like the national grid. Reduce the clutter with filters. Filters define exclusion zones in your code base that can cut down dramatically on any 'noise' that is being recorded. Even accurate noise is not always helpful.

Configure Recording Detail

Simulation - Simulation

Complete the configuration for Simulation Control.

Model Simulation