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Export Reference Data

When you have a complete project set up, with fully defined project data, it is possible to capture either selected categories or all categories of that data, and export it to a single XML file. You can then review the data, and import it to another project or tool so that you do not have to define it all again. The exported data includes all instances of the selected data type in the project; for example, all defined cardinality values, or all Document Style Templates.

Access Project | Data Management | Export Reference Data

Select and Export Reference Data



See also


On the 'Export Reference Data' dialog, click on the ' + ' box against each table group you want to expand.


Select the checkbox against each table or table group to export.

If you select the top-level, group-name checkbox, all tables in that group are selected for export.

Glossary Styles Risk Types Security - Users Macro List Project Resources Calendar of Events Code Cardinality Types Project Glossary Project Issues Security - Group Permission Estimation - Environment Complexity Factor Values Constraint Types Project Clients Priority Types templates Team Review Gap Matrix Profiles Status Colors Status Types Status Types - Application Calendar Event Types Test Types Import Component Types Defined Metric Types Requirement Types General Effort Types Automation Scripts Test Status Types Stereotypes Linked Document Templates Security - Groups Document Report Style templates UML Patterns (Resources) Scenario Types web templates Project Tasks Diagram Matrix Profiles Tagged Value Types Maintenance Types CSV Difficulty Types Type Default Estimation - Technical Complexity Factor Values word substitution Security - User Permissions Constraint Status Types Project Constants Model Images Model Authors DDL Project Roles the Legacy RTF Style templates Defined Problem Types (a Predefined Reference Data Tagged Value Type


Click on the Export button.


When prompted to do so, enter a valid file name with a .XML extension.


Click on the Save and OK buttons.

This exports the data to the file; you can use any text or XML viewer to examine the file.


  • You can resize the 'Export Reference Data' dialog; drag the dialog edges to the size you need
  • If there are no instances of a selected data type in the project, the export does not generate any output for that data type in the XML file
  • Currently, Standard Complexity Types cannot be directly edited and are therefore effectively standard for all models; they can be listed using the Predefined Reference Data Tagged Value type ComplexityTypes

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