Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Data Management Submenu

As you develop your project, you might need to perform management tasks on the project data, such as transferring a complete project, sharing data between projects, comparing the data of two instances of a project or two separate projects, checking the integrity of the data in a project, updating the index statistics on your Firebird project file, or performing various tasks specific to .eap files. Such tasks are not necessarily routine, and would be performed only as the need arises.

Access Project | Data Management

Data Management Options



See also

Project Transfer

Move a complete project from one repository to another.

You cannot move a project from a source .EAP file from a version of Enterprise Architect earlier than 3.5.0.

Perform a Project Data Transfer

Shared Repository

Generate an SQL script to link the current repository to selected data tables belonging to a shared repository, rather than using data specific to this project only.

Link Reference Data to a Shared Repository

Export Reference Data

Export reference data to XML files for convenient model updating.

Export Reference Data

Import Reference Data

Import reference data from XML files for convenient model updating.

Import Reference Data

Reset IDs

Reset the table auto increment column values.

Reset Table Auto Increment or Identity Columns

Project Compare

Compare the total project sizes of two projects after a major operation such as a project transfer or backup recovery.

Compare Projects

Project Integrity Check

Check the integrity of the data in your project.

Shortcut: Shift+F9

Check Project Data Integrity

Run Patch

Execute an SQL Patch.

Run SQL Patches

Manage .EAP File

Repair, compact or replicate your .eap files.

Manage .EAP File Submenu

Manage Firebird File

Update Index statistics on your Firebird project file, so that the indices perform better. This is particularly useful after major changes have been made to the project, or when your model begins to run slowly.

Select this option, and when the 'Completed' prompt displays click on the OK button to clear the prompt.

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