Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Enterprise Architect Object Model





See also


Automation provides a way for other applications to access the information in an Enterprise Architect model using Windows OLE Automation (ActiveX). Typically this involves scripting clients such as MS Word or Visual Basic, or using scripts created within Enterprise Architect using the Scripting window.

The Automation Interface provides a way of accessing the internals of Enterprise Architect models. Examples of things you can do using the Automation Interface include:

Perform repetitive tasks, such as update the version number for all elements in a model
Generate code from a State Machine diagram
Produce custom reports
Perform ad hoc queries



Connecting to the Automation Interface

All development environments capable of generating ActiveX Com clients should be able to connect to the Enterprise Architect Automation Interface. This guide provides detailed instructions on connecting to the interface using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Borland Delphi 7.0, Microsoft C# and Java. There are also more detailed steps on how to set-up Visual Basic; the principles are applicable to other languages.


Connecting to the Interface

Set References in Visual Basic

Examples and Tips

Instruction on how to use the Automation Interface is provided by means of sample code. See pointers to the samples and other available resources. Also, consult the extensive Reference Section.

Pointers to the Samples

Available Resources



Calling Executables from Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect can be set up to call an external application. You can pass parameters on the current position selected in the Project Browser to the application being called. For instructions, go to the Call from Enterprise Architect topic. A more sophisticated method is to create Add-Ins, which are discussed in a separate topic.


Call from Enterprise Architect
