Unified Modeling Language (UML)
With Enterprise Architect and UML you can:
- Build highly detailed UML 2 models.
- Manage project complexity.
- Reverse engineer legacy code and database schema.
- Produce great looking reports.
- Track change.
- Involve the whole team.
UML 2 defines 14 diagrams (all supported by Enterprise Architect)
- Package diagrams
- Class or Structural diagrams
- Object diagrams
- Composite Structure
- Component diagrams
- Deployment diagrams
- Use Case Diagrams
- Activity diagrams
- State Machine diagrams
- Communication diagrams
- Sequence diagrams
- Timing diagrams
- Interaction Overview diagrams
Download Enterprise Architect UML Modeling Tool now and experience for yourself the power and effectiveness of UML in defining and taking control of your business and software development projects.
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) first appeared in the 1990's as an effort to select the best elements from the many modeling systems proposed at the time, and to combine them into a single coherent notation. It has since become the industry standard for software modeling and design, as well as the modeling of other processes in the scientific and business worlds. Enterprise Architect supports the latest UML standard, as defined by the OMG. It gives you access to all 14 diagram types, the MDA technologies, and a comprehensive documentation generator, to help you communicate and share your models more effectively.
The UML is a tool for specifying software systems. Standardized diagram types to help you describe and visually map a software system's design and structure. Using UML it is possible to model just about any kind of application, both specifically and independently of a target platform. While UML is naturally oriented towards Object-Oriented programming, but it is just as easy to model procedural languages such as C, Visual Basic, Fortran etc.
The use of UML as a tool for defining the structure of a system is avery useful way to manage large, complex systems. Having a clearly visible structure makes it easy to introduce new people to an existing project.
Building up libraries of Patterns simplifies the re-use of models and code. Patterns are groups of collaborating objects/classes that can be abstracted from general modeling scenarios. As patterns are discovered in a new project, pattern templates can be re-used and modified by the designer to fit the new project. UML Profiles are customizable extensions to UML that tailor it towards specific modeling tasks, for instance Sparx Systems has available UML profiles for modeling Business Process, Web Process, XSD Schema, and more.