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Working with Table Properties
Once you have created a table, you must set its properties to define database-specific information that can be used to generate the schema in DDL. Table properties are set using the Properties dialog.
It is recommended that you set the DBMS you are using as a default, to automatically apply that DBMS definition to all tables you create. However, if you do not set a default, or want to change the value for specific tables for any reason, you can also identify the DBMS on the Table Properties dialog for each Table.
For MySQL and Oracle, some additional properties are defined using Tagged Values, such as the Table Owner and DBMS-specific options. For other DBMSs, additional table properties are not yet supported.
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Set the Database type for a table - other than the table name, the most important property to set for a table is the database type, which defines:
You can either set the DBMS as a default for all tables, or within the Table Properties for each individual Table.
Set the Table Owner - Some relational databases enable you to assign a table to one of several owners within the database; Enterprise Architect enables you to model this using the Owner Tagged Value, so that in the generated DDL script the table name is prefixed by the owner name.
Example MySQL options - To make use of foreign keys in MySQL, you must declare the table type as InnoDB.
Example Oracle options - To set additional Oracle table properties, use the table's Tagged Values.
Once the table properties are defined, you are ready to add columns.
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