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Execution Analyzer


Whilst you are modeling the code of an application, you can perform test executions of the code and record and generate visual displays of the progress of execution for analysis, using the Visual Execution Analyzer. This builds on and processes the structures and operations of the Model Driven Development Environment (MDDE), which provides tools to design, build and debug an application, as a part of the Debugger facilities of Enterprise Architect.

One of the primary objectives of the Visual Execution Analysis feature is to provide the facility to generate Sequence, Test Domain Class and Collaborative Class diagrams from the stack traces you captured in debugging your application. This is a great way to document and understand what your program is doing during its execution phase, and to:

Optimize existing system resources and understand resource allocation
Verify that the system is following the rules as designed
Produce high quality documentation that more accurately reflects system behavior
Understand how and why systems work
Train new employees in the structure and function of a system
Provide a comprehensive understanding of how existing code works
Identify costly or unnecessary function calls
Illustrate interactions, data structures and important relationships within a system
Trace problems to a specific line of code, system interaction or event
Visualize why a sequence of events is important
Establish the sequence of events that occur immediately prior to system failure
Simulate the execution of behavior models including State Machines, Activities and Interactions

Access    Analyzer
                  Project Manager package context menu | Execution Analyzer




Create a sample model for your language compiler, on which to examine the facilities of the Visual Execution Analyzer.


Visual Execution Analyzer Samples

Record executing programs and represent the behavior as a UML Sequence diagram; recording is supported for:

Microsoft Windows Native C
Microsoft Windows Native C++
Microsoft Windows Visual Basic
Microsoft .NET Family (C#, J#, VB)
Sun Microsystems Java

Recording Sequence Diagrams

Record native Windows applications and profile their behavior.



Create and work with objects created within the Enterprise Architect modeling environment using a dynamic Object Workbench.


Object Workbench

Run xUnit tests.


Unit Testing

Testpoint Management - provides the facility to pass or fail application tasks, viewing test results in real time as the program executes and results are saved.


Testpoint Management

Simulate UML behavior models  to verify their logical and design correctness, for:

Interactions and Sequences
State Machines


Model Simulation


The Execution Analysis features are available on 32-bit applications; 64-bit applications are not currently supported on any platform

Learn more

Code, Build & Debug (for the Enterprise Architect MDDE and Debugger)

Learning Center topics

(Alt+F1) | Execution Analysis