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Example Scripts
You can create a wide range of shapes, effects and text statements using Shape Scripts, to enhance the appearance and information value of the elements and connectors you create. Some examples of such scripts are provided here.
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Settings | UML Types > Stereotypes (specify stereotype): Shape Script + Edit
Shape Script examples
Script |
Shape |
// BASIC SHAPES shape main { setfillcolor(255,0,0); // (R,G,B) rectangle(0,0,90,30); // (x1,y1,x2,y2)
setfillcolor(0,255,0); // (R,G,B) ellipse(0,30,90,60); // (x1,y1,x2,y2)
setfillcolor(0,0,255); // (R,G,B) rectangle(0,60,90,90); // (x1,y1,x2,y2) } |
// SINGLE CONDITIONAL SHAPE shape main { if (HasTag("Trigger","Link")) {// Only draw if the object has a Tagged Value // Set the fill color for the path setfillcolor(0,0,0); startpath(); // Start to trace out a path moveto(23,40); lineto(23,60); lineto(50,60); lineto(50,76); lineto(76,50); lineto(50,23); lineto(50,40); endpath(); // End tracing out a path // Fill the traced path with the fill color fillandstrokepath(); return; } }
// MULTI CONDITIONAL SHAPE shape main { startpath(); ellipse(0,0,100,100); endpath(); fillandstrokepath(); ellipse(3,3,97,97);
if (HasTag("Trigger","None")) { return; }
if (HasTag("Trigger","Error")) { setfillcolor(0,0,0); startpath(); moveto(23,77); lineto(37,40); lineto(60,47); lineto(77,23); lineto(63,60); lineto(40,53); lineto(23,77); endpath(); fillandstrokepath(); return; } if (HasTag("Trigger","Message")) { rectangle(22,22,78,78); moveto(22,22); lineto(50,50); lineto(78,22); return; } }
// SUB SHAPES shape main { rectangle(0,0,100,100);
addsubshape("red", 10, 20); addsubshape("blue", 30, 40); addsubshape("green", 50, 20); addsubshape("red", 100, 20);
shape red { setfillcolor(200, 50, 100); rectangle(0,0,100,100); }
shape blue { setfillcolor(100, 50, 200); rectangle(0,0,100,100); }
shape green { setfillcolor(50, 200, 100); rectangle(0,0,100,100); } }
// EDITABLE FIELD SHAPE shape main { rectangle(0,0,100,100);
addsubshape("namecompartment", 100, 20); addsubshape("stereotypecompartment", 100, 40);
shape namecompartment { h_align = "center"; editablefield = "name";
rectangle(0,0,100,100); println("name: #name#"); }
shape stereotypecompartment { h_align = "center"; editablefield = "stereotype";
rectangle(0,0,100,100); println("stereotype: #stereotype#"); } }
// RETURN STATEMENT SHAPE shape main { if(hasTag("alternatenotation", "false")) { //draw ea's inbuild glyph drawnativeshape(); //exit script with the return statement return; } else { //alternate notation commands //... rectangle(0,0,100,100); } } |
//EMBEDDED ELEMENT SHAPE POSITION ON PARENT EDGE shape main { defsize(60,60); startpath();
if(hasproperty("parentedge","top")) { moveto(0,100); lineto(50,0); lineto(100,100); }
if(hasproperty("parentedge","bottom")) { moveto(0,0); lineto(50,100); lineto(100,0); }
if(hasproperty("parentedge","left")) { moveto(100,0); lineto(0,50); lineto(100,100); }
if(hasproperty("parentedge","right")) { moveto(0,0); lineto(100,50); lineto(0,100); } endpath(); setfillcolor(153,204,255); fillandstrokepath();
} |
// CLOUD PATH EXAMPLE SHAPE shape main { StartCloudPath(); Rectangle(0,0,100,100); EndPath(); FillAndStrokePath(); } |
// CONNECTOR SHAPE shape main { // draw a dashed line noshadow=true; setlinestyle("DASH"); moveto(0,0); lineto(100,0); }
shape source { // draw a circle at the source end rotatable = true; startpath(); ellipse(0,6,12,-6); endpath(); fillandstrokepath(); }
shape target { // draw an arrowhead at the target end rotatable = true; startpath(); moveto(0,0); lineto(16,6); lineto(16,-6); endpath(); fillandstrokepath(); }
// DOUBLE LINE shape main { setlinestyle("DOUBLE"); moveto(0,0); lineto(100,0); }
// ROTATION DIRECTION shape main { moveto(0,0); lineto(100,0); setfixedregion(40,-10,60,10); rectangle(40,-10,60,10); if(hasproperty("rotationdirection","up")) { moveto(60,-10); lineto(50,0); lineto(60,10); } if(hasproperty("rotationdirection","down")) { moveto(40,-10); lineto(50,0); lineto(40,10); } if(hasproperty("rotationdirection","left")) { moveto(40,-10); lineto(50,0); lineto(60,-10); } if(hasproperty("rotationdirection","right")) { moveto(40,10); lineto(50,0); lineto(60,10); } }
// GET A VALUE RETURNED BY AN ADD-IN shape main { //Draw a simple rectangle Rectangle(0,0,100,100);
//Print string value returned from Add-In "MyAddin", //Function "MyExample" with two string parameters Print("#ADDIN:MyAddin, MyExample, param1, param2#"); }
// METHOD SIGNATURE FOR ADD-IN FUNCTION: // Public Function MyExample(Repository As EA.Repository, // eaGuid As String, args As Variant) As Variant
( See Add Custom Compartments to Element )
shape main { //Draw a simple rectangle Rectangle(0,0,100,100);
//Print incoming edges on the element Print("Incoming Edge: #incomingedge#\n");
//Print outgoing edges on the element Print("Outgoing Edge: #outgoingedge#\n"); } |
Learn more
Learning Center topics
• | (Alt+F1) | Modeling Languages | Defining Shapes | Defining an Element Shape |
• | (Alt+F1) | Modeling Languages | Defining Shapes | Defining a Connector Shape |