Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Transformation Templates
The Transformation Template mechanism is based very strongly on the Code Generation Template mechanism. For further information on Transformation Templates see the Code Template Editor section and also - for information on the Common Code Editor and intellisense - the Editing Source Code topic.
Access Tools | MDA Transformation Templates (Ctrl+Alt+H)
On the Transformation Templates Editor screen:
Field |
Usage |
See also |
Language |
Select the name of the transformation.
Template |
Display the contents of the active template; provide the editor for modifying templates. |
The Code Template Editor in MDG Development
Templates |
List the base transformation templates. The active template is highlighted; the Modified field indicates whether you have changed the default template for the current transformation.
New Transformation Type
Create a new transformation. |
Stereotype Overrides |
List the stereotyped templates, for the active base template. The Modified field indicates whether you have modified a default stereotyped template.
Add New Stereotyped Override |
Invoke a dialog for adding a stereotyped template, for the currently selected base template.
Add New Custom Template
Invoke a dialog for creating a custom stereotyped template. |
Help |
Launch the Enterprise Architect Help topic for this dialog.
Get Default Template |
Update the editor display with the default version of the active template.
Save |
Overwrite the active templates with the contents of the editor.
Delete |
If you have overridden the active template, delete the override and replace it with the corresponding default transformation template.
Learn more
• | Code Template Framework (Developing and Editing) |
• | Code Template Framework Tool (Using) |
Learning Center topics
• | (Alt+F1) | Model Transformations | Transform | Write Transforms |