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The Audit View

The Audit View provides an interface to the information that has been recorded by auditing.

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Sections of the Audit View

The Audit View is divided into three main areas:



See also

View controls

The view controls provide a variety of settings for controlling auditing and the display of audit records.


Audit View Controls

Audit tree

The audit tree displays the log items that have been recorded by auditing.

What is displayed in the tree is affected by the view controls, such as:

Filter (by time)
Auditing settings (what was actually recorded)


If synchronizing with the Project Browser, it is also affected by the package, diagram or element you have selected.




In the audit tree:

The green tick indicates a creation
The yellow pencil indicates an edit
The red cross indicates a deletion


Right-clicking an element in the audit tree (such as MyClass) displays a context menu that enables you to locate the selected element in:

The Project Browser
Any diagrams in which it exists


Audit View Controls

Auditing settings

The Project Browser

Record display

The record display is in two parts: the identity of the selected change, and the actual change made.

The data in the record display is determined by the view controls and mode and, if synchronizing with the Project Browser, by the package, diagram or element you have selected.





The identity of a change consists of:

The Windows username of the user that made the change; if security is enabled, the name is of the format WindowsUsername(SecurityUser)
When the change was made
The path of the change; for example: Class Class1 - Attribute Att1 - Attribute Constraint Constraint



Changes are displayed in a table format, showing the:

Property (or data item) name
Its original value before the change and
Its value after the change


If you double-click on an item in the list of changes (or right-click and select the Show Differences context menu option) the Difference window displays:




This shows the specific changes that have been made, highlighting the edited, created, deleted or formatted characters.

Changes to the format of text in the element, made through the element Properties dialog, are not apparent in the initial table; they are visible in the Difference window, identified by HTML formatting tags.


Audit View Controls

The Project Browser


If security is enabled, you must have Audit View permission to display data in the Audit View

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