Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Generate WSDL
If you have developed a WSDL-stereotyped UML model, you can forward-engineer it into WSDL 1.1 files using the Generate WSDL feature. This feature acts either on a WSDLnamespace-stereotyped Package or a WSDL-stereotyped Component, and generates any or all of the WSDL Components owned by the target WSDLnamespace structure. You can also generate WSDL files through the Automation Interface.
Access Tools | Web Services | Generate WSDL, or
Right-click WSDL stereotyped Component | Generate WSDL
Generate WSDL 1.1 files
Field/Button |
Usage |
See also |
Encoding |
Select Components To Generate |
Highlight the required WSDL-stereotyped Components in the list for which the WSDL file is to be generated (use left mouse click, Ctrl+click, or Shift+click). You can also select all entries in the list by clicking on the Select All button, or clear all entries in the list by clicking on the Select None button. To provide a file path and name into which to generate the WSDL file for a component, double-click on the component name in the list. The Component File Name dialog displays.
Generate |
Click on this button to generate the WSDL files for the selected WSDL stereotyped Components.
View WSDL |
Click on this button to view the generated WSDL for a selected WSDL stereotyped Component.
Close |
Click on this button to close this dialog.
Help |
Click on this button to display this Help topic.
Progress |
Lists the progress of the WSDL file generation.
Learn more
Learning Center topics
• | (Alt+F1) | SOA and XML Engineering | WSDL | Generate WSDL |