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A Trigger indicates an event that initiates an action (and might arise from completion of a previous action). You initially define a Trigger in one of four ways:
• | As a property of a Transition relationship |
• | As a property of an Accept Event Action (on the Triggers tab of the element Properties dialog) |
• | As an event in a State Machine Table |
• | Directly, as a Trigger element, through the New Element dialog or Diagram Toolbox (State Additional page) |
When you save the Trigger, it is added to the list of elements for the parent package in the Project Browser. You can then right-click on it and select the Properties context menu option to view and, if required, edit its properties as an element rather than as a property itself. Triggers created as events remain as Event elements, whilst Triggers created in other ways are Trigger elements, with a Trigger tab in the Properties dialog.
Field |
Action |
See also |
Type |
If necessary, edit the type of trigger:
Specification |
Either type in the event instigating the Trigger, or click on the ( ... ) button and select the event (depending on the Type value).
Ports |
Click on the Add button and select the appropriate Port from the Select Port dialog.
• | You can also drag an existing Trigger element onto another diagram, although there are limited uses for the element in that context |
• | This element is not the same as a Trigger Operation, which is an operation automatically executed as a result of the modification of data in a database |
Toolbox icon
Learn more
• | Triggers (as an Operation) |
OMG UML Specification:
The OMG UML specification (UML Superstructure Specification, v2.1.1, p. 456) states:
Events may cause execution of behavior (e.g., the execution of the effect activity of a transition in a state machine). A trigger specifies the event that may trigger a behavior execution as well as any constraints on the event to filter out events not of interest.