Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

The Read-only 'Lite' Edition

Enterprise Architect Lite is a free, read-only edition of Enterprise Architect that people such as project sponsors can use to review the project without making any changes.

The read-only Lite Version



See also

Further Access

Users of Enterprise Architect Lite also have wider access to

·The Team Review, where readers can create and respond to posts, and link their comments to elements
·The Source Code Editor, where readers can open and edit external source code files, debug code, and configure and run Analyzer scripts
·The File menu, where readers can copy the project or create a shortcut to access it
·The Relationship Matrix, where readers can export the matrix contents to a CSV file to be opened in a spreadsheet application
·The Default Hours tab to review project metrics.


You can download the Enterprise Architect Lite edition (as the Enterprise Architect Viewer) from the Sparx Systems website.



Team Review Tools


Editing Source Code


File Menu


Relationship Matrix Options

Default Hours

Other Read-Only Options

You can also make your model available to others in a read-only format by:

·Generating an HTML report on the model, which can be published on the web with read-only access




HTML Reports