Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Connector Management Options

If you right-click on a connector in a diagram, the connector context menu displays. This provides quick access to some important functions.




See also

Context Menu

The menu is split into up to seven distinct sections:

·Extensions - displays in the first section only if you have Add-Ins installed and registered
·Type Specific
·UML Help - Displays the Enterprise Architect Help topic for this connector type
·Delete - delete the connector with this option


Manage Connector Properties

Connector Type-Specific Options

Advanced Connector Management Options

Connector Style Options

Connector Appearance Options

Connector Role Context Menu

For connectors with Roles, right-clicking a connector within up to 60 pixels of an end point displays a role-specific context menu that offers three additional menu options:

·Source/Target Role...  opens the connector specification dialog with the respective role page selected
·Multiplicity opens a submenu through which you can set the multiplicity for the role
·Link to Element Feature displays a dialog through which you can attach the end of the connector to a specific attribute or operation




Source Role


Connect To Element Feature


·Context menus vary slightly between connector types, and not all menu options are present on all connector context menus; the type-specific menu options are not always included