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Create Legends
A Legend element provides a key to the colors and line thicknesses you have used to distinguish between element and/or connector groupings on the diagram. For example, the Legend could show that all elements concerned with a management system are shaded in blue, and all outcomes connectors are shown in red. The Legend lists the element color/line thickness groupings first, and the connector color/line thickness groupings underneath.
You work on a Legend element in two stages: first create and define the Legend element itself, then define the key for the colors and line thicknesses as used on the diagram.
Access Drag the Diagram Legend icon from the Common page of the Toolbox onto the diagram, or
Click on the New Diagram Legend icon () on the UML Elements toolbar, and click on the diagram
· | You would generally have one Legend element on the diagram, but if the diagram is large you could create more than one Legend to either provide the same key for a distant section of the diagram, or a key to the different colors used in that section |
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