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Requirements Toolbox

As an analysis step, often it is desirable to capture simple system requirements. These are eventually realized by Use Cases.

Requirements Toolbox pages



See also


Except where discussed here, each element and relationship that you can create using these Toolbox pages is described in the UML Elements and UML Connectors sections of the Help.


A Requirement is a custom element used to capture system requirements external to individual UML elements; a Requirement expresses required system behavior that can cross several Use Cases. Note that you can create a number of specific types of stereotyped Requirement from their own element icons.

Note that Requirements Checklist is a stereotyped Checklist, and is rendered as this element:


A Feature is a small client-valued function expressed as a requirement. Features are the primary requirements-gathering artifact of the Feature-Driven Design (FDD) methodology.

A Risk element represents an identified risk to the project.

You can also add structures of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements to your diagram, each with a Checklist, using the two Requirements Patterns.

Behavioral Diagram Elements

Structural Diagram Elements

UML Connectors



















·To add an element to the currently-open diagram, click on the appropriate icon and drag it into position on the diagram; set an element name and other properties as prompted
·To add a relationship, click on the appropriate icon, then click on the start element in the diagram and drag to the end element