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Spring Layout

The Spring layout uses a force-directed approach to arrange the selected elements organically. It employs a physical analogy to lay out elements; each element is treated as a particle with a like electrical charge that repels other elements. Connectors act as springs (hence the name Spring layout) that draw connected elements back together. The layout is good for highlighting clusters of related objects and identifying symmetry in the graph.



Invoke the Spring layout



See also


Follow the general Layout Diagrams procedure, and at step 2 select Spring.

Layout Diagrams



In the Iterations field, type the number of iterations, or rounds, to perform to reach the final layout.

The layout is developed over several iterations; depending on the complexity of the graph, increasing the number of iterations produces a better result but takes longer to calculate.




If the diagram contains elements that significantly vary in size, and that might overlap in the final layout, select the Scale to prevent overlap checkbox to scale up the positions of the selected elements (preserving size) until no elements overlap.