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Documentation Sub-Menu

The Documentation submenu of the Package context menu provides options for generating several types of documentation or reports on the contents of the selected Package.

Access     Project Browser, right-click on a Package | Documentation





See also

Generate Documentation


Select this option to design and generate reports and documentation on the contents of the selected Package.

The Document Generation dialog displays.



Document Reports

HTML Report


Select this option to design and generate web documentation on the contents of the selected Package.

The Publish as HTML dialog displays.



Create a Web Page Report

Diagrams Only Report


Select this option to generate a Diagrams Only report, which describes the diagrams in the selected Package.

The Export Diagrams to RTF Document dialog displays.



Diagrams Only Report

Testing Report


Select this option to generate a Testing report, which describes the software development tests defined for the selected Package.

The Generate Test Documentation dialog displays.



Test Documentation

Open in Relationship Matrix

Select this option to open the Relationship Matrix with the selected Package as the source or target Package for the Matrix.



Relationship Matrix


Generated Report Options


Select this option to exclude the selected Package from any reports generated from now onwards, or to include the excluded Package in reports again.



Exclude Package from Report

Package Metrics


Select this option to perform some calculations on the selected Package to establish Project Metrics for planning purposes.

The QA Reports view opens on the Use Case Metrics tab.



Estimating Project Size