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Export Controlled Model Branch

Applying version control to a model can result in many XMI files placed under version control.  It might then be hard to locate and import the file corresponding to the root of a particular model branch.  Using Model Branch Files (.eab files) overcomes this problem by making it easier to  export and import Package hierarchies from one model to another.

You could export a newly created model branch from your own private copy of a model so that, for example:

·Another user can import that branch into their own private copy of the same model
·It can be imported for inclusion as a common branch in a number of different models

Access     Project Browser | right-click Package to export | Package Control | Export as Model Branch

Create a Model Branch File to represent a Package hierarchy stored in version control



See also


On the Export as Model Branch dialog, in the EAB Filename field, type a name for your Model Branch File.

Alternatively, click on ( ... )  and browse for the file location.

Note that the Package name is supplied as a default.




Click on the OK button.

A branch file is created to represent the selected Package.  The branch file is committed to version control using the same version control configuration that controls the Package you selected.




·You can specify any file name, including sub-folder names, as long as the file is contained in or below the working folder of your version control configuration
·The facility is only enabled for Packages that are already under version control

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