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Report Deletion of Cross Package References

Your model might contain at least one XMI 1.1 Controlled Package that is also used in other models, but not necessarily in the same context. For example:

·You have a model of Power Generation and a model of Power Consumption
·Both models contain the Package called Power Storage
·In the Generation model, the Power Storage Package has links to a Package called Turbine Control (which does not exist in the Consumption model)
·In the Consumption model, the Power Storage Package has links to a Package called Consumer Demand (which does not exist in the Generation model)
·All Packages are maintained in a master project, Power Control, where all the cross-Package relationships exist; compared with Power Control, both Power Generation and Power Consumption are incomplete


Consider the process at the end of a work session on Power Storage in, say, the Power Generation model. When saving the Package to XMI, Enterprise Architect  has no information on relationships between Power Storage and the Consumer Demand Package from the Power Consumption model, and so these are not represented in the XMI file. Consequently, when the XMI file is imported into Power Control, Enterprise Architect deletes the relationships in the master project because they don't match the file.


You can easily check for and preserve the cross-Package relationships by selecting the Report Cross Package Reference Deletions (XMI 1.1) checkbox in the Options dialog (Tools | Options | XML Specifications). When you save a controlled Package, Enterprise Architect compares the XMI for that save with  the most recent XMI 1.1 revision of the Package. Any items that are missing from the Package are listed on the Missing Cross References dialog.




See also

Merge missing items

Items missing from the exported Package are identified in the Missing Cross References dialog. To regenerate them into the XMI file that is being saved:

·Select the checkbox against each item type
·Click on the OK button

Items of any type that you do not select are omitted from the saved XMI file.



Abort or cancel this XMI Export

If you do not want to proceed with the export (or Check-in or Put Latest) operation:

·Click on the Cancel button


Review the details of an entry

To display the details of an entry on the Missing Cross References dialog:

·Double-click on the type name

The details of each item are shown on the Missing <item type> dialog. For any items where information is missing from the XMI file, the missing details are grayed-out.

To find the item with the missing cross-reference in the Project Browser, either:

·Right-click on the entry in the list and select the Find in Project Browser option, or
·Click on the item and press Alt+G


Copy a value from a column on the dialog to the clipboard

To preserve a copy of an item from the dialog on the clipboard:

·Click on the column value to highlight it; the selected value is shown in the bottom left corner of the dialog
·Select the text in the bottom left corner and press Ctrl+C to copy that value to the clipboard


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