Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Generate WSDL
If you have developed a WSDL model in UML, you can forward-engineer it into WSDL 1.1 files using the Generate WSDL feature. This feature acts on either a «WSDLnamespace» stereotyped Package or a «WSDL» stereotyped Component (Document), and generates any or all of the WSDL Components owned by the target «WSDLnamespace» structure.
Access Package | XML Technologies | Generate WSDL, or
Right-click «WSDL» stereotyped Component | Generate WSDL
Generate WSDL 1.1 files
Field/Option/Button |
Action |
See also |
WSDL Package |
Displays the name of the WSDL Namespace containing the source Component(s) from which the WSDL file is to be generated.
Encoding |
Select Components To Generate |
Click on the «WSDL» stereotyped Component(s) in the list for which the WSDL file is to be generated. To:
Generate |
Click on this button to generate the WSDL files for the selected «WSDL» stereotyped Components. A message displays when the generation is complete; click on the OK button on the message to close it.
View WSDL |
Click on this button to display the most recently generated WSDL.
Close |
Click on this button to close this dialog.
Help |
Click on this button to display this Help topic.
Progress |
Monitor the progress of the WSDL file generation.
· | You can also generate WSDL files through the Automation Interface |
Learn more
Learning Center topics
· | (Alt+F1) | Enterprise Architect | SOA and XML Engineering | WSDL | Generate WSDL |