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Information Flow



An Information Flow represents the flow of Information Items (either Information Item elements or classifiers) between two elements in any diagram. The connector is available from:

·The Common page of the Toolbox
·Every Quick Link menu, and
·Automatically whilst directly defining Information Item realization

When you create the Information Flow connector, Enterprise Architect automatically prompts you to identify which information items are conveyed.

You can have more than one Information Flow connector between the same two elements, identifying which items flow between the elements under differing conditions. The connectors can flow in the same direction, or opposite directions. You can locate the items conveyed in any Information Flow, by right-clicking on the connector and selecting the Find Items Conveyed context menu option.

Toolbox icon


Learn more

OMG UML Specification:

The OMG UML specification (UML Superstructure Specification, v2.1.1, p. 606) states:

An InformationFlow specifies that one or more information items circulates from its sources to its targets.


The OMG UML specification (UML Superstructure Specification, v2.1.1, p. 607) also states:

An information flow is an abstraction of the communication of an information item from its sources to its targets. It is used to abstract the communication of information between entities of a system. Sources or targets of an information flow designate sets of objects that can send or receive the conveyed information item.