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UML Diagrams
A UML diagram is a representation of the components or elements of a system or process model and, depending on the type of diagram, how those elements are connected or how they interact from a particular perspective. For example, how and why an object changes state, or how requirements are realized by the process or a system.
Diagrams are developed in the main workspace (Diagram View), in which you create and connect model elements. You create diagrams by right-clicking a Package and selecting the New Diagram context menu option, or load them by double-clicking on their diagram icon in the Project Browser.
Diagram Grouping
Group |
Detail |
See also |
Structural Diagrams |
Structural Diagrams depict the structural elements composing a system or function, reflecting the static relationships of a structure, or run-time architectures. |
Behavioral Diagrams |
Behavioral Diagrams show a dynamic view of the model, depicting the behavioral features of a system or business process.
Extended Diagrams |
Enterprise Architect provides a set of additional diagram types that extend the core UML diagrams for domain-specific models.
Custom Diagrams |
Enterprise Architect also supports diagram types specific to MDG Technologies, including integrated technologies.
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