Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Broadcast Events
The following general Broadcast events are sent to all loaded Add-Ins. For an Add-In to receive the event, they must first implement the required automation event interface. If Enterprise Architect detects that the Add-In has the required interface, the event is dispatched to the Add-In.
- File Open Event
- File Close Event
- File New Event
- Post Open Diagram Event
- Post Close Diagram Event
- Pre-Deletion Events
- Pre-New Events
- Post-New Events
- Technology Events
- Context Item Events
- Transformation Events
- Compartment Events
- Model Validation Broadcasts
- Retrieve Model Template Event
- Initialize Technology Event
- PreExit Instance (not currently used).
MDG Events add quite a number of additional events, but the Add-In must first have registered as an MDG-style Add-In, rather than as a generic Add-In.
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