Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Tasks Pane
Access: View | Other Project Tools | Tasks Pane.
The Tasks Pane window provides access to a range of context-specific help topics, online resources and Enterprise Architect facilities to give you quick access to information and facilities in areas of interest in Enterprise Architect.
When you first open Enterprise Architect, the Tasks Pane automatically displays on the right of the screen.
The Tasks Pane has several topic areas, including:
The list of topic areas varies, and can include topics specific to any MDG Technologies being used with Enterprise Architect.
To switch between the topic areas, either:
- Click on the More Tasks option in the toolbar and select the required area from the list, or
- Click on the left or right arrow buttons in the toolbar.
The 'Home' icon returns you to the Getting Started topic area.
Tasks Pane Contents
The Tasks Pane provides several types of information and resources. Click on a:
icon to open appropriate topics from the Enterprise Architect Help file
icon to open web pages or documents on the Sparx Systems web site
icon to begin Enterprise Architect tasks appropriate to the Tasks Pane topic area; you must be in an appropriate functional area of Enterprise Architect in order for these tasks to function, such as in an open diagram
icon to begin Add-In tasks appropriate to the Tasks Pane topic area; you must be in an appropriate functional area in order for these tasks to function
icon to open report facilities to provide information or data collation tools
icon to start demonstrations of Enterprise Architect functions in action.
The selected information, web page or demonstration displays on a Browser tab in the main view, or the appropriate task or report window opens.