The Element Browser
Access: , or right-click on the bar and select the context menu option.
The Element Browser window lists a range of added-on properties of the selected element, as shown below both collapsed and fully expanded.
The following properties are listed, where they are present in the element:
- If you double-click on the element name at the top of the dialog (the root node) the Properties dialog for the element displays, at the General tab.
- If you right-click on a folder name, the context menu option displays. When you select this option, the appropriate window or dialog displays, or the element Properties dialog displays the appropriate tab, to enable you to update the items in the folder.
- If you double-click on an item within the Requirements, Scenarios or Constraints folders, the docked window or view displays with the focus on the selected item.
- If you double-click on an item within the Relationships folder, the relationship Properties dialog displays for that relationship.
- If you double-click on an item within the Files folder, the file opens either on a separate tab in the Diagram View workspace (if the file can be opened within Enterprise Architect) or in the default Windows viewer/editor for the file type (if the file cannot be opened within Enterprise Architect).
- If you double-click on an operation or attribute in the Operations or Attributes folders, the appropriate Properties dialog displays.
- If you right-click on an attribute or operation, whether in the Attributes or Operations folder or in the Linked Features folder, a context menu displays that enables you to display the source code; alternatively, click on the attribute or operation and press , or - in the Linked Features folder - double-click on the attribute or operation.
- The source code viewer in which the source code displays depends on which editor you select as the default, either for the project as a whole or for a specific programming language. If you select the Enterprise Architect internal editor, the code displays in the Source Code Viewer with the cursor positioned on the selected feature.
- The right-click context menu for an operation also provides options to set a number of types of recording marker.
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