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UML Stereotypes
UML supports a large number of stereotypes, which are an inbuilt mechanism for logically extending or altering the meaning, display and syntax of a model element. Different model elements have different standard stereotypes associated with them.
For further definition of stereotypes, see the OMG UML specification (UML Superstructure Specification, v2.1.1, section 18.3.8, pp. 667-672).
A stereotype is generally displayed as in the example below (where «myStereotype2» is the stereotype).
In some cases the stereotype causes the element to be drawn differently, as below:
A metafile can be associated with the applied stereotype, as in the example below:
New, or customized, stereotypes can be created. Stereotypes can also be associated with new shapes, using either metafiles (image files) and colors or Shape Scripts, to apply non-UML shapes to elements and connectors. For further information on customizing stereotypes and applying Shape Scripts, see the MDG Technology SDK topic.