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Project Glossary Tab

The Project Glossary tab in the System window shows all of the glossary terms already defined for your model. You can add to the list, delete or change items, change a definition type for all terms of that type, and filter the list to exclude by type.

Access this tab by opening the System window; select the View | Other Project Tools | System menu option or press [Alt]+[2]. Select the Project Glossary tab.


To print out all of the currently listed items, right-click on the list and select the Print List context menu option.


Right-click on an entry and use the context menu to add, modify, reclassify, filter and delete glossary entries (as below). Alternatively, select the Project | Documentation | Glossary menu option and use the Glossary dialog.


Include a Glossary Report in your project requirements or functional specifications documents.

Add a Glossary Entry

To add an entry to the glossary, follow the steps below:

  1. Double-click on the Project Glossary tab, or right-click on the tab and select the Add New context menu option. The Glossary Detail dialog displays.
  2. Enter the details for the glossary item: the Term, Type and Meaning. You can, if necessary, format the Meaning text using the Notes toolbar at the top of the field.
    If the Type values are not appropriate for the term, click on the [ ... ] button and enter another type name.


A glossary term must have a defined type and description. You cannot apply a new term without both of these values.

  1. Click on the Apply button.
  2. To create another entry, click on the New button.
  3. To close, click on the OK button.

Modify a Glossary Entry

To modify a glossary entry, either:

  1. Double-click on the entry to modify in the list on the Project Glossary tab, or
  2. Right-click on the entry to modify in the list on the Project Glossary tab and select the Modify Selected context menu option.

The Glossary Detail dialog displays; edit the fields as required.

Delete a Glossary Entry

To delete a glossary entry, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click on the entry to modify in the list on the Project Glossary tab. The context menu displays.
  2. Select the Delete menu option.

Redefine Type

If a glossary term type is no longer appropriate for all terms of that type, you can redefine the type for all terms at once. To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Project Glossary tab, right-click on a term of the type to be changed and select the Rename Type context menu option. The Rename Glossary Type dialog displays.
  2. In the New Type Name field type a different type name, either an existing type or a new type.
  3. Click on the OK button. On the Project Glossary tab, all entries of the original type are now redefined as being of the new type.


To reclassify a single term, use the Glossary Type field on the Glossary dialog.

Filter List

To filter the Project Glossary tab display so that only terms of a specific type are listed, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click on the list and select the Set term filter context menu option. The Term Type Filter dialog displays.
  2. In the Term field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the term type for which to list Glossary terms.
  3. Click on the OK button. The list of Glossary terms is filtered to the selected type.

To remove the filter, either:

  • Follow the steps above and select the value <All> in the Term field, or
  • Right-click on the list and select the Remove term filter context menu option.