Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Appearance Menu Section

The Appearance section of the connector context menu provides the following options:

Menu Option



See also


Set the line color and line thickness of the connector




Set connector visibility; see the table below for sub-menu options



Tidy Line Angles

Tidy the line angles of a custom connector


Tidy the line angles

Visibility Sub-Menu:

Menu Option



See also

Hide Connector

Hide the connector

To show the connector again, follow the steps in the Hide/Show Connectors topic


Hide/Show Connectors

Hide Connector in Other Diagrams

Hide or show the connector in other diagrams


Hide/Show Connectors

Hide All Labels

Hide or show all labels attached to the connector



Set Label Visibility

Hide or show labels attached to the connector, individually


Hide or show labels


  • Context menus vary slightly between connector types, and not all menu options are present on all connector context menus; the type-specific menu options are not always included