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Source Role

A connector can have certain properties assigned to one end, and be associated with the particular role that element plays in the relationship. You can enter details about this role to further develop your model.

This description refers to the role of the Source element in a relationship, but applies equally to the role of the Target element.

How to:

To set the source role details, follow the steps below:



See also


Double-click on a connector to open the Connector Properties dialog



Select the Source Role tab



Enter the required details and click on the OK button





See also

<Type> Role

Enter the name of the role to be played



Enter an alias for the role, if required


Role Notes

Enter notes about the role



Indicate that the role value or values can be computed from other information



Indicate that the role is owned by the opposite Class rather than the Association

Selecting this checkbox adds a 'dot' to the appropriate end of the connector ( dot )


Derived Union

Indicate that the role is derived from the properties that subset it



Specify the role multiplicity (you can define the values of this field on the Cardinality tab of the UML Types dialog)

This is the range of instances of the role that can be active in the relationship - for example, one employee can be assigned to tasks; for the target role you define the range of instances (such as tasks) the employee could be assigned to

The values have the following formats:

  • *, or 0..* - zero, one or many instances
  • 0..n - zero or up to n instances, but no more than n
  • n - exactly n instances
  • n..* - n, or more than n instances

You can also define source and target element multiplicity in the element Attribute properties


Attribute properties


Indicate that the role is a list and the list is ordered


Allow Duplicates

Indicate that the role can contain duplicate elements (relevant only if multiplicity is > 1)

This field maps to the UML property isUnique (selecting the checkbox maps to the isUnique value of FALSE)



Indicate the nature of the containment at the Destination (reference, value...)



Indicate the access level for the role



Indicate the type of aggregation that this role uses


Target Scope

Indicate the level at which this role applies (instance or classifier)



Indicate whether or not this role is navigable (non-navigable ends are shown depending on diagram properties)



Indicate whether this role is subject to change



Indicate a constraint on the role



Indicate any qualifiers or restrictions on the role; separate multiple qualifiers with a semi-colon

Alternatively, click on the (  ...  ) button at the end of the field, and define a new qualifier on the Qualifiers dialog (qualifiers typed into the Qualifier(s) field are also automatically added to this dialog)

Qualifiers Dialog


(Optional) Indicate the name of a stereotype that applies to this end of the Association, or click on the ( ...  )  button at the end of the field and select a stereotype from the Stereotype Selector dialog

Stereotype Selector

Member Type

Indicate a role type that can be used when generating collection Classes for multiplicity > 1



  • Source role details are displayed at the start end of a connector; if you have drawn the connector the wrong way, you can always use the Reverse Direction menu option from the connector context menu